Ángel Laborda Peralta

Ángel Laborda Peralta



Mr. Ángel Laborda Peralta is a Director at Fundacion de las Cajas de Ahorros.
He started work in 1979 as a civil servant in the Ministry of Economy, where he worked his way up to the level of Subdirector General in 1983.
After passing through several Subdirectorates, he was appointed Director General for Economic Analysis and Forecasting, a position which he held until 1996.
Over the years he has been a member of OECD and EU working groups and committees, the most significant of which, due to his particular experience on matters of economic analysis and forecasting, included the OECD working group on Short-Term Prospects, the OECD Economic Policy Committee and the Short-Term Forecasting working of the European Commission.
Between 1994 and 1996 Mr. Laborda Peralta served as a member of the Group of Economic Forecasting Experts advising the Ministry of Economy and Finance on matters of economic forecasting.
From 1996 to 1997 he served as an Advisory Member of the Permanent Advisory Board to the Secretary of State for the Economy.
In 1998 Mr. Laborda Peralta joined the Spanish Savings Banks Foundation (FUNCAS) where he now heads up the Economic Outlook and Statistics Division.As well as writing articles for the publications of the organisations where he has worked throughout his professional career, he is also a regular contributor on radio and TV programmes and in the written press.
A Bachelor of Economic and Business Science of the University of Barcelona (1974), Mr. Laborda Peralta is a tenured member of the Spanish Senior Corp of Civil Servants of the State.

Former positions of Ángel Laborda Peralta

Economist -
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Positions held



Listed companies

Private companies

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Linked companies

Private companies1


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