Zix Corporation (ZixCorp) (NASDAQ: ZIXI), the leader in email encryption services, announces that Summit Medical Group has signed a three-year renewal for ZixCorp® Email Encryption Services. Summit first deployed ZixCorp solutions in 2003 to protect patient data in external email communication and meet the compliance requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). In its third renewal, Summit continues to select ZixCorp solutions based on its reliable technology and user convenience.

"We need an effective solution that just works. ZixCorp Email Encryption Services meet all our needs and offer turnkey implementation," said Ron Scoggins, Vice President, Information Services for Summit Medical Group. "Typically, security solutions work in direct opposition to productivity. Working with ZixCorp, we've found its email encryption to be one of the most convenient security methods out there."

"Security and convenience rarely go hand-in-hand, but we believe ease-of-use is crucial in providing truly effective security to our customers," said Rick Spurr, ZixCorp's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. "We're pleased that Summit Medical Group continues to find value in our easy-to-use email encryption solutions."

Summit uses ZixGateway® to send secure email from physicians and staff across more than 50 locations. Summit also leverages ZixCorp's reporting service to actively manage their email encryption compliance responsibilities.

"The reporting capabilities are essential for our company and compliance with HIPAA. We conduct email audits regularly, and we are very satisfied with the audit trail available through ZixCorp's robust reporting," said Scoggins.

About Summit Medical Group

Summit Medical Group has about 220 physicians in 50 office locations and 10 hospitals serving 300,000 patients in 10 counties in East Tennessee. Summit's quality programs continue to ensure that Summit patients receive the very highest quality primary care. More than 140 of Summit's out-patient physicians are recognized by the National Committee for Quality Assurance for diabetes care, heart/stroke care and Patient Centered Medical Home. Summit's dedication to service and excellence remains a prime motivation in providing for the needs of those who entrust their health to Summit physicians.

About Zix Corporation

Zix Corporation provides the only email encryption services designed with your most important relationships in mind. The most influential companies and government organizations use the proven ZixCorp® Email Encryption Services, including WellPoint, Humana, the SEC and more than 1,200 hospitals and 1,600 financial institutions. ZixCorp Email Encryption Services are powered by ZixDirectory®, the largest email encryption community in the world. The tens of millions of ZixDirectory members can feel secure knowing their most important relationships are protected. For more information, visit www.zixcorp.com.

Taylor Stansbury Johnson, 214-370-2134