Zion Oil & Gas, Inc. announced that Mr. Jeffrey Moskowitz has joined the company as its new VP and Israeli Branch General Manager, effective immediately. Mr. Jeffrey Moskowitz is a certified attorney in Israel with over 30 years of experience primarily in the areas of corporate and commercial law. Mr. Moskowitz served as an attorney and in-house legal counsel at Koor Industries, a major Israeli industrial concern. For over ten years, Mr. Moskowitz has been providing Zion Oil & Gas legal advice regarding various aspects of operations in Israel. Mr. Moskowitz has developed an expertise in all aspects relating to the Israel oil and gas industry, including helping to guide exploration companies such as Zion through the complexities of governmental permitting and regulatory issues. Mr. Moskowitz has extensive experience working with the Israel Securities Authority and the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange that will serve as a very valuable asset in assisting with corporate strategy and implementation. Since 2008, Mr. Moskowitz has also assisted Martin M. van Brauman, Zion's Corporate Secretary/Treasurer/SVP, in establishing and maintaining the Bnei Joseph Foundation, an Israeli charity.