Yujin Robot Co Ltd (KOSDAQ:A056080) announced a private placement of 500,000 common shares at a price of KRW 5,741 for proceeds of KRW 2,870,500,000 and 10th unregistered unsecured unguaranteed private convertible bonds for proceeds of KRW 3,000,000,000, for aggregate gross proceeds of KRW 5,870,500,000 on January 7, 2016. The transaction will include participation from Imanto AG for the shares and will include participation from Kyung-Cheol Shin for KRW 700,000,000, Eun-Ja Hyun for KRW 100,000,000, Sung Joo Park, officer of the company for KRW 100,000,000, and 24 other investors including employees of the company. The transaction will take place through third party allotment.

The shares have a face value of KRW 500 ad will be issued at a premium. Post completion of the transaction, the number of issued shares of the company will increase from 22,792,912 shares to 27,792,912 shares. The bonds will be issued at par.

The bonds will mature on January 11, 2019; with yield to maturity of 2%, and fixed annual coupon of 1.5%. The bonds have lump-sum redemption of principal on maturity date and can be fully converted into common shares of the company at a fixed conversion price of KW 6,411 per share and a conversion period from January 11, 2017 to December 11, 2018. The subscription and payment date is January 11, 2016 for the bonds and for the shares is January 14, 2016.

The securities to be issued will have a hold period of one year. The transaction has been approved by the company's board of directors.