Xinyi Solar Holdings Limited provided consolidated earnings guidance for the six months ending 30 June 2024. For the period, consolidated net profit attributable to the equity holders of the Company (the ?Net Profit?) is expected to increase by 35% to 45%, as compared to the amount of the Net Profit of HKD 1,391.5 million for the six months ended 30 June 2023 (the ?1 H2 023?). Such increase in the amount of the Net Profit (as compared to the same for the 1 H2 023) was primarily due to the following reasons: the relative low level of profitability of the Group for the 1 H2 023 for comparison purpose; increases in the sales volume of the Group's major solar glass products for the 1 H2 024, as compared to the same for the 1 H2 023; and improvement in the gross profit margin during the 1 H2 024 as a result of decreases in the costs of certain raw materials and energy as well as the Group's continuous enhancement in production capacity and efficiency, which was partially offset by the decreasing average selling prices of certain solar glass products of the Group.