Xiao-I Corporation announced the launch of Hua Zang Universal Large Language Model Ecosystem, a powerful tool enabling enterprises to tailor and deploy AI-empowered services and products with unmatched precision. This innovation is poised to transform the way businesses approach AI integration. It accurately monitors vital signs, such as continuous breathing and heart rate, without the need for wearable devices.

Moreover, it employs sophisticated AI algorithms to oversee and evaluate various sleep stages, offering a precise breakdown of wakefulness, light sleep, deep sleep, and rapid eye movement (REM) cycles. The AI algorithm, powered by Hua Zang, assigns a sleep quality score. Real-time monitoring of physiological data is complemented by the generation of daily and monthly sleep reports, enabling users to proactively address health concerns.

Additionally, the crib is equipped with sensors and inertial measurement units (IMUs) to compare a comprehensive dataset for AI anxiety index analysis, actively promoting psychological well-being by recognizing and addressing anxiety-related behaviors. This innovative product exemplifies how Hua Zang can be employed to continually enhance maternal and infant health management services. With over 20 years' experience, Xiao-I is not only a leader in cognitive intelligence technology and the AI industry but also an innovator in exploring business customization and commercialization strategies for large language models.

Xiao-I Hua Zang's Universal Large Language Model has been carefully crafted to deliver a seamless and efficient solution for enterprises worldwide. Whether in healthcare, e-commerce, finance, or any other industry, Hua Zang's ability to seamlessly integrate AI into daily operations is designed to give businesses a competitive edge.