WORLEY LIMITED has entered a strategic partnership with Avantium Renewable Polymers (Avantium), a subsidiary of Avantium N.V, for the development of its renewable plastic feedstock plant in Delfzijl, The Netherlands. The first-of-its-kind facility will produce plant-based furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA), a key building block for many chemicals and plastics, such as polyethylene furanoate (PEF), a fully recyclable plastic. The plant will be the commercial proof for future larger-scale projects. Worley has contributed in the scale-up to commercial scale, having been involved in the concept development phase and front-end engineering design of the facility over the last two years. Worley and Avantium have also agreed to collaborate in the execution phase of Avantium's licensing strategy. Worley has proven ability in scaling-up industrial plants and is an experienced licensor and these were differentiators in Avantium's selection of Worley as its strategic partner, and so adding strength and credibility to Avantium's technology and licensing proposition. The project will be executed by Worley's offices in The Netherlands and Belgium.