Wessanen withdrawing all items related to its governance structure from EGM agenda; Frans Koffrie to step down as Supervisory Board member

Wessanen announces that the Supervisory and Executive Board jointly have decided to withdraw all items regarding the proposed changes to Wessanen's governance structure from the agenda of the EGM, scheduled for today at 14h00 CET.

Because Wessanen's largest shareholder Delta Partners has been unwilling to reconfirm its support for the appointment of Mr Koffrie as Non-Executive Director, Mr Koffrie has decided to withdraw his candidacy for the position of Non-Executive Director and Chairman. The Supervisory and Executive Board are of the opinion that given these developments the adoption of the proposed one-tier board structure would lead to continuity issues at the Board.

The Supervisory and Executive Board therefore decided to withdraw all agenda items of the EGM at 24 January related to the proposed changes in governance (2, 3b, 3c, 3d, 3e, 4 and 5). Agenda item 3a, the appointment of Mr Barnouin as Executive Director, will remain on the agenda.

As a result, the two-tier board structure will remain in place until at least the next AGM. Mr Koffrie will step down as a member of the Supervisory Board with immediate effect after the EGM.

To ensure continuity at the Supervisory Board, Mr van Oers will remain a member of the Supervisory Board and he will become Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

For more information
Carl Hoyer (VP Corporate Communications)
Phone    +31 (0)20 3122 140 / +31 (0)6 12 35 56 58
Email     carl.hoyer@wessanen.com / investor.relations@wessanen.com

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