Once again, Vivendi was highly ranked amongst the most responsible companies. As every year in Davos the composition of the Global 100 (the index of the most responsible companies created by Corporate Knights Capital) was revealed: Vivendi is ranked 35th (4th French group) out of the 4000 larger capitalizations that were studied.

The Global 100 is made up of 100 global equities integrating a Best in Class approach in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) combined with financial performance. Each year, an evaluation process is conducted in order to determine, among the 4.000 largest caps, the 100 world leaders. They are rated from their industry relevant performance indicators.

In June, Vivendi was ranked first greenest global company (three French groups were featured in the top 10) by Newsweek. Also, in collaboration with Corporate Knights Capital, the US magazine analyzed more than 500 international companies and evaluated the most eco-friendly and energy control conscious groups according to five criteria (energy efficiency, carbon footprint, water consumption, amount waste and reputation). Companies are given a score reflecting their ecological efficiency compared to their field of activity, their history and their background.

Vivendi encouraged the various eco-energy initiatives of its subsidiaries. Since 2009, its headquarters is EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) certified by the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy.

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