Ultrapar Participações S.A. announced that the Board of Directors approved, on this date, the succession of Mr. Leocadio de Almeida Antunes Filho to the positions of Executive Officer at the Company from October 1st, 2018. To succeed him, Mr. Marcelo Pereira Malta Araújo was elected for the remaining periods of the other Executive Officers in exercise at Ultrapar and Ipiranga. From October 1st to December 31st, 2018, Mr. Marcelo Araújo will have the support of Mr. Leocadio Antunes during its integration period at Ipiranga, thus assuring a planned and effective transition. Mr. Leocadio Antunes actively participated in the growth and strengthening of Ipiranga, and had a determinant role in the ascending trajectory of Ipiranga after its acquisition by Ultra, in 2007. Throughout the last three decades, he was a protagonist and created huge credibility in the sector, both in Brazil and internationally. In the last years, Mr. Marcelo acted as Chief Executive Officer of Marisa Lojas S.A., and accumulated experience as board member of Usiminas, Laboratório Fleury and Alpargatas.