UA Multimedia, Inc. announced that the company has plans to launch its Crypto Consultancy Division. With a focus on the most current and advantageous blockchain strategies, this new sector’s goal is to bring expert consulting to evaluate and design cryptocurrency solutions that can thrive in an ecosystem where the infrastructure is rapidly evolving and changing. The company is in the process of bringing its status current with OTC Markets, as management expands the corporate business model and further develops the overall focus. Looking beyond the Cannabis industry, blockchain and cryptocurrency consultancy is set to bring an array of skilled services to the table which are expected to include structuring, white paper drafting, token creation, targeted marketing, and the management of exchange listings and other cryptocurrency related matters. The Company also plans to offer a listing service for tokenized projects or ICOs available for potential investors worldwide. The Company also plans to offer or market tokenized projects in the area of cannabis, general business and real estate with the following strategy in place: Cannabis Sector: Projects related to Cannabis seeking funding can be tokenized with token owners receiving dividends from the project earnings. General Business: Businesses seeking funding can be tokenized with token owners receiving dividends from the business earnings. Real Estate Industry: Real Estate development or acquisition of residential or commercial properties in the US or abroad can be tokenized with token owners receiving dividends from the property sales, management fees or rental income. Based on the project requirements, certain tokens can also be listed to trade on various cryptocurrency exchanges. Modification to UA Multimedia’s existing online presence will be made to reflect the new direction and focus. Additional details relating to the Company’s new business will be provided as progresses are made.