Hong Kong International Construction Investment Management Group Co., Limited (SEHK:687) announced that it has entered into a term sheet for a private placement of convertible bonds for gross proceeds of not less than HKD 390,000,000 and not more than HKD 663,000,000 on January 19, 2018. The transaction will involve participation from Shinhan Investment Corp., Investment Arm. The investor will participate through Shinhan Creative Finance 3rd Co. The bonds will have a fixed conversion price of HKD 4.08 per share which are convertible into 162,500,000 shares representing approximately 4.56% of the issued share capital as enlarged by the issue of the conversion shares. The bonds will mature after three years from the date of closing. The bonds will carry a coupon of 6% payable semi-annualy. The transaction is expected to close on June 30, 2018.