Twist Bioscience Corporation announced that its Twist Biopharma division has signed two licensing agreements with Serotiny and Applied StemCell. In collaboration with Serotiny, Twist Biopharma aims to discover novel Chimeric Antigen Receptors (CAR) for CAR T-Cell therapies. The agreement with Applied StemCell, covers the use of its TARGATT™ CHO Cell Technology. Both agreements support and expand Twist Biopharma’s capabilities for the discovery of novel antibody therapeutics. Under the terms of the Serotiny agreement, Twist Biopharma will provide Serotiny with custom DNA libraries that encode CARs exploring novel combinations of receptor domains including receptor signaling domains. Serotiny will then engineer and characterize unique CARs on a large scale to screen for receptor designs with improved therapeutic properties that may be applicable to a wide range of solid tumors. Twist will have the right to license the technology resulting from the collaboration. Under the Applied StemCell collaboration, Twist will add TARGATT™ CHO cell lines to screen, select and characterize any novel antibodies discovered for its partnered and internal programs, a critical process in developing human therapeutics.