TV2U announce it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Linkfort Telecom to provide OTT services in the region of the north and south coast of Sao Paulo State. TV2U and Linkfort are working on finalising the definitive commercial agreement. To be included in the agreement is a commitment from Linkfort to provide a minimum guarantee of 200,000 subscribers in the first year of operations. TV2U is launching, with partners SOL Telecom, CCSTV and now Linkfort, a national marketing, promotional and sales strategy, targeting consumers directly and marketing B2B to over 5,000 of Brazils regional ISP's. This strategy will be a combination of digital marketing, print, television, radio and viral marketing. ISP's will be able to offer TV2U' service as a package bundled with data or as a stand-alone service. A commission revenue based call centre will also provide a direct sales service for both B2C and B2B customers.