Hunan Tus-Pharmaceutical Biological Co., Ltd. announced that it will receive CNY 25 million in an equity round of funding on January 18, 2022. The transaction will include participation from returning investors, Tus-Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. for CNY 23.5 million and Ningbo Yiduoduo Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. for CNY 1.5 million. Tus-Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. will hold 90% stake and Ningbo Yiduoduo Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. will hold 10% stake in the company post closing of the transaction.

The registered capital of the company will increase from CNY 5 million to CNY 30 million post closing of the transaction. The transaction has been approved at the extraordinary meeting of the ninth board of directors of Tus-Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.