Paris, 8 January 2013

2012/2013 First Quarter Financial Information

Trigano sales in the first quarter of 2012/2013 financial year reached €182.3 M.

from 09/01/12 to 11/30/12

from 09/01/11 to 11/30/11


Change at constant




perimeter (%)

Leisure Vehicles





Leisure Equipment










Leisure Vehicles

In an economic environment unfavourable to the consumption of leisure and open-air equip- ment, Leisure vehicle sales are down 10.3%.
Motor-caravan (-11.8%) and caravan (-20.1%) sales were impacted by the poor business conditions and by the wait-and-see attitude of distribution networks. Deliveries of static cara- vans are also down (-13.5%) but their annual sales growth should be positive given the good level of the order book.
Accessories sales, up 9.5% in the quarter (+2.2% at constant perimeter), are well oriented.

Leisure Equipment

Thanks to the integration of the companies Lider and Gaupen-Henger, trailer sales are up
74.9% compared to last year. They are stable at constant perimeter (+0.2%) reflecting the renewed success of Trigano's products despite the unfavourable environment.
Camping (+30.0%) and garden (+27.0%) equipment activities are in low season, and their performances are therefore not significant.

Financial situation

Trigano's activity in the first quarter has had no significant impact on its financial structure.

Acquisition of SEA

The acquisition of the company SEA, the Italian manufacturer of motor-caravans based in Poggibonsi, announced on 23 November 2012, was finalized following the agreement of the competition authorities in Germany and Italy.


The 2012/2013 financial year started in a difficult economic environment. Trigano's efforts during this year will be oriented in particular towards the integration of SEA and the implementation of synergies that have already been identified. In parallel, Trigano will pursue its policy aimed at increasing market share through innovation and the improvement of the competitiveness of its products while adapting its activity and structures to the evolution of its markets.




Rym Bel Kefi-Rougnon

phone: +33 1 44 52 16 52

2012/2013 Second quarter sales will be published on 28 March 2013

Euronext Paris B - CAC All-Tradable - SRD - CAC Mid & Small - ISIN FR0005691656 - REUTERS : TRIA.PA - BLOOMBERG : TRI.FR

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