Microsoft Word - Business_TREVI Group Press Release_150115 TREVI GROUP ACQUIRES NEW ORDERS IN THE OIL & GAS SECTOR TOTALING ABOUT 280 MILLION USD Cesena, 15 January 2015 - Drillmec, a TREVI Group company, has signed a contract for the supply of five 2000hp AC rigs and two 3000HP rigs with ENAFOR, an

Algerian leading drilling services company and acting on behalf of SONATRACH, the national oil company and largest African operator. The two rigs of 3000HP will be the first of such power acquired and operated by ENAFOR, specially designed and intended for deep drilling where high temperatures and pressures exist. The other five rigs of 2000
HP will instead be allocated to the drilling of new oil wells in the expansion program of the National oil company. The program of exploration and production recently announced by the Algerian Energy
Minister Youcef Yousfidi, provides for the drilling of new oil and gas wells and the purchase of special oil drilling rigs designed for the region. DRILLMEC has previously supplied other rigs in Algeria and this additional order confirms the success of our products in the country.

Drillmec has also signed an agreement for the supply of two rigs of 2000hp AC HSL (Hydraulic Swing Lift) with one of the largest drilling contractors operating in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi company has operated for more than 50 years in the industry and has an important role in the expansion program of Saudi Aramco, the leading oil company in the country and world leader in proven reserves. The two rigs, which will commence the drilling activities of new production wells as of Q3 2015, will be equipped with the latest innovations developed by Drillmec in the field of automation and control, as well as the latest technology for increased safety. The supply of these rigs further consolidates DRILLMEC's presence in the country and confirms the state of the art

technology achieved by these products.

TREVI - Finanziaria Industriale S.p.A. - Via Larga, 201 - 47522 Cesena (FC) (Italia)

Tel. 0547 319311 - Fax 0547 319313 E mail trevifin@trevifin.comsito internet

Capitale sociale Euro 82.391.632,50 Int. Vers.

Registro Imprese Forlì - Cesena, Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA: 01547370401 - C.C.I.A.A. R.E.A. n 201.271

Davide Trevisani, CEO of TREVI Group stated: "The contract acquisitions of TREVI Group continue and we are very satisfied with the development of many foreign projects. In particular the Oil division has also acquired important orders during the year and recent acquisitions demonstrate a continuing interest in our products and services. During the last quarter of 2014 Drillmec increased its portfolio by over 60% compared to 30 September 2014.Despite recent fluctuations in oil prices our customers continue to choose Drillmec products as they can provide the best solutions and the finest technologies designed for the extraction of hydrocarbons. The Group will therefore commence the year with a new set of orders to execute and we are convinced that these works will ensure growth in both revenues and operating margins."


Trevi Group is a worldwide leader in the field of soil engineering (special foundations, tunnel excavation, soil consolidation and the building and marketing of special rigs and equipment relevant to this engineering sector); the Group is also active in the drilling sector (oil, gas and water) both in the production of plant and the supply of services, and it also builds automated underground car parks. The Group was established in Cesena in 1957 and today has more than 30 branches and is present in over 80 countries. Its success is due to the vertical integration of the main divisions making up the Group: Trevi, the division that supplies special services in the field of soil engineering, Petreven, the oil drilling division of the Group, Soilmec, the division that produces and develops plant and machinery for soil engineering and Drillmec the division that produces and develops drilling rigs (oil, gas and water).

The parent company TREVI - Finanziaria Industriale Spa has been listed on the Milan stock exchange since July 1999. The key financial figures for 2013 are: Total revenues of €1,275.8 million, EBITDA of €143.8 million (margin of 11.3%), EBIT of €80.3 million (margin of 6.3%), and NET PROFIT of €13.8 million.

More information can be found on the website:

For further information:

Investor Relations:

Stefano Campana

Josef Mastragostino

+39 0547 319 411

+39 0547 319 448

Group Communication Office:

Franco Cicognani

+39 0547 319 503

Press office:

Studio Mailander

+39 011 5527 311

TREVI - Finanziaria Industriale S.p.A. - Via Larga, 201 - 47522 Cesena (FC) (Italia)

Tel. 0547 319311 - Fax 0547 319313 E mail trevifin@trevifin.comsito internet

Capitale sociale Euro 82.391.632,50 Int. Vers.

Registro Imprese Forlì - Cesena, Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA: 01547370401 - C.C.I.A.A. R.E.A. n 201.271

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