TPC Power Holding Public Company Limited (SET:TPCH) agreed to acquire 99.8% stake in Eco Energy Group Corporation Co., Ltd from Ferrum Energy Co., Ltd. for approximately THB 130 million on November 12, 2020. As per the transaction, Ferrum Energy Co., Ltd. will dispose 52 million shares of Eco Energy Group Corporation Co., Ltd. TPS has agreed to deposit THB 40 million which has already been paid as part of the share purchase price and the remaining THB 92 million has paid on December 15, 2020. Upon completion, Ferrum Energy Co., Ltd. will not have the shareholding in ECO and changing the director and changing the director’s authority. The proceeds from the sale of assets will be used as working capital for business operations and use the investment in a new project according to the business expansion plan. The transaction will bring benefits to the company. The sale of investments by selling ordinary shares of ECO which Seven Utilities and Power Public Company Limited received money to be use as working capital to develop new projects in accordance with the business expansion plan and to increase financial liquidity for the company.