January 29, 2013

Electricity Supply & Demand Report for December 2012 1. Electricity demand (See Table 1)

Electric power sold in December totaled 6,728 GWh, which was 103.2% as compared with the same period of the previous year. This was because of a rebound in sales after the impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the lower temperature, resulting in a higher demand for heating. It exceeded the results of the previous year for 10 consecutive months.
Electric power sold in the previous year was significantly decreased by the Great East Japan Earthquake, so for your information, the comparison of the year before last year is also shown in Table 1.
- Non-Specified Scale Demand (Excluding deregulated segment)
Due to a demand for earthquake disaster reconstruction and a higher demand for heating because of the lower temperature, power demand in the lighting (residential) sector was 104.8% as compared with the same period of the previous year, and which exceeded the result of the previous year for 5 consecutive months.
Non-specified scale demand in total was 105.1% of the same period of the previous year.
- Specified Scale Demand (Deregulated segment)
Due to a rebound in sales after the impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake and a higher demand for heating because of the lower temperature, electric power sold for commercial use was 107.0%
year-on-year. It exceeded the results of the previous year for 10 consecutive months.
Overall power demand in the specified-scale sectors totaled 101.9% of the same period of the previous year.
In the industrial and other sectors, power demand mostly came from large-scale industrial customers, as described in the reference below.
- Large-scale industrial demand
Large-scale industrial demand in total was 98.9% year-on-year. Due to a low operating rate mainly at export-oriented companies by the slowdown in overseas economy, large-scale industrial demand fell behind the performance of the previous year for 2 consecutive months.

2. Electricity supply (See Table 2)

Electricity generated and purchased in December totaled 8,018 GWh, 102.5% as compared with the same period of the previous year, and it has exceeded the performance of the previous year for 11 consecutive months.
Electricity generated and purchased in the previous year was significantly decreased by the Great East Japan Earthquake, so for your information, the comparison of the year before the last year is also shown in Table 2.
(Power generated by our own hydro power stations) The flow rate was 72.8% during this period.
Since hydro power stations had been shut down last year because of the heavy rainfall in Niigata and Fukushima, hydropower generation totaled 406 GWh, an increase of 3 GWh from the same period of the previous year.
(Power generated by our own thermal power stations)
Due to the increase of the purchased power, generated output totaled 5,289 GWh, an increase of 137
GWh from the same period of the previous year.
(Power generated by our own nuclear power stations)
All units of Onagawa nuclear power station and unit 1 of Higashidori nuclear power station have been shut down because of regular inspection, so there was no nuclear power generation.
(Power generated by our own renewable power stations)
Since operation of geothermal power stations was different from that of the same period of the previous year, generated output totaled 64 GWh, a decrease of 36 GWh, year-on-year.
(Power purchased)
Due to shutdown of power stations caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake last year, total power purchased from others totaled 2,481 GWh, an increase of 497 GWh from the same period of the previous year.
(Table 1)

Power demand during December 2012

Actual k



(Units: million kWh; %) Reference


Cur mo (







and others


Total power sold

Sold to large-scale industrial customers

(Units: million kWh; %)

Actual kWh, Current month (A)

Actual kWh, Previous year (B)

Year-to-year percentage (A/B)

Actual kWh, The year before last year


The year before last year percentage


Large-scale industrial customers






Year-to-year percentage by sectors (%), Large-scale industrial customers
(The year before last year)



Pulp and paper







Ceramics, stone and clay




Non-ferrous metals








(Table 2)
Overview of power supply during December 2012

(Units: million kWh; %)

Actual kWh,

Actual kWh,


Reference (The year before last year)


Current month


Previous year






Actual kWh






Natural inflow 391 358 33 109.2 692 (301) 56.5

Reservoir/pumped-storage 15 45 (30) 31.8 50 (35) 29.0

Subtotal 406 403 3 100.5 742 (336) 54.7

Thermal 5,289 5,152 137 102.7 4,199 1,090 125.9

Nuclear 0 0 0 - 1,850 (1,850) 0.0

Renewable 64 100 (36) 64.2 73 (9) 88.4

Subtotal 5,759 5,655 104 101.8 6,864 (1,105) 83.9

Power purchased from others 2,481 1,984 497 125.1 2,082 399 119.2

Interchange power (216) 234 (450) (92.3) (789) 573 27.3

Pumping-up power (6) (48) 42 13.0 (1) (5) 816.1

Total 8,018 7,825 193 102.5 8,156 (138) 98.3

Water flow rate 72.8 86.6 (13.8) - 114.5 (41.7) -

distributed by