THine Electronics, Inc. announced that THine has cooperated with Silicon Technology Co. Ltd. to produce a module that enables long-distance transmission (15m at maximum) of images when a camera is connected to “Raspberry Pi,” which has become popular as board computer, and will start sale of the module through Silicon Technology from the third quarter of 2018. Recently, demand and use case of “Raspberry Pi” have increased, which is a small, cheap, but high-performance board computer meeting needs of IoT and AI processing. However, since the distance to transmit MIPI signals output from cameras is generally limited to several tens of cm in conventional systems with FFC cables, there has been difficulties in free arrangement of cameras. With recognition of needs of “Raspberry Pi” camera and such problem for application in IoT and AI, THine has developed a solution for drastically increasing freedom of camera arrangement to enable long-distance transmission of 15m at the maximum, and will start sale of the solution through collaboration with Silicon Technology.