THine Electronics Inc. announced a new LVDS, or low voltage differential signaling, THC63LVD1022, for security cameras and industrial applications such as medical monitors that require transmission of full-HD pixel data. This brand-new product has been developed through THine's accumulated LVDS technology based on its long-term experiences in high-definition displays. Security camera markets and network camera markets have recently required full-HD performance for such purpose as identifying some specific targets as well as increasing new demands and replacement in worldwide, including China, US, and Europe.

Along such trend, the portion of mega-pixel cameras has been increasing and is expected to soar. In order to support camera markets, THine has supplied LVDS products, such as THC63LVD827 and THC63LVD1024 for 2.0-mega-pixel HD camera markets as well as THC63LVDM87 and THC63LVDF84B for 1.3 mega-pixel markets. THine's new line-ups including THC63LVD1022 support almost all required LVDS required by mega-pixel camera markets.

Furthermore, medical monitor markets and projector markets that use many LVDS have recently increased the demand for higher definition such as 4K2K and THine has developed THC63LVD1022 to support such requirements of higher-definition as well. The new LVDS is superior in cost-performance, reducing relating footprints approximately half of the existing solution with 144pin LQFP package.