Theraclion was one of the strongest risers on the Paris stock market on Friday morning, following a scientific publication showing the efficacy of its technology for the treatment of varicose veins.

Shortly before 11:00 a.m., the medtech company's share price gained almost 12%, putting it on a positive trend since the start of the year, with a gain of 10%.

The study - published in 'Phlebology, The Journal of Venous Disease', which covers vascular disease research - showed that, out of 188 patients treated with its Sonovein platform, the success rate reached 98.3% at 12 months.

These data are comparable to those of other Sonovein studies, including a U.S. feasibility study that achieved a 95% success rate, the company points out.

Theraclion is the originator of a device based on high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) that requires no incisions or operating room, and could replace surgical procedures.

The results of Prof. Paolo Casoni's study have also been presented at four recent congresses, in Bologna at the Society of Aesthetic Medicine congress, in Perugia at the Italian Society of Phlebology and in Parma at the Chiesi Farmaceutici phlebology meeting.

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