(Unofficial Translation)

Thanachart Capitai Public Company limited

TCAP.CS0.025/201 3
Date 28 January 201 3
Subject Exercise of Preferred-to-Common Share Conversion No.1 1201 3
Attn Director and President
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Referring to the Meeting of Board of Directors of Thanachart Capitai Pubic Company Limited No.5/1993 on 30 September 1993, the Board of Directors have approved the announcement of tenet. Conditions and Preferred-to-common share conversion procedure, which one preferred share can be converted to one common share without costs.
The Company would like to inform the time schedule of share conversion No.1 /201 3 on 1 5
February 201 3. The preferred shareholders can subscribe the preferred-to-common share conversion during office hours (8.30 am- 4.30 pm) of the date from 12-15 February 2013 at Thailand Securities Depository Company Limited, 4"' Floor, Stock Exchange of Thailand Building, Rachadapisek Road, Klong - Toey, Bangkok
Your acknowledgement and the release of information are appreciated.
Sincerely Yours,
Thanachart Capitai Public Company Limited

Panupan Tuangthong

(Mr.Panupan Tuangthong) The Corporate Secretary
Authorized person

Tel. 02-217-8000 Ex.3009-301 o

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