Certain Shares of Tellusgruppen AB (publ) are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 28-APR-2022. These Shares will be under lockup for 365 days starting from 28-APR-2021 to 28-APR-2022.

As of the date of the Investment Memorandum's approval, all existing shareholders in the Company have, by agreement, committed to Mangold not to sell or carry out other transactions with a corresponding effect as a sale within a period of twelve (12) months from the first day of trading on Nasdaq First North. , without, in each individual case, having first obtained written consent from Mangold.

All shareholders have undertaken not to offer, lend, pledge or sell any part of their direct and / or indirect ownership (including shares) in the Tellus Group without the written consent of Mangold for 12 months after the commencement of trading period ("Lock up-period"). The lock-up agreements have been entered into between Mangold and the persons and companies listed in the table below. Exceptions from lock-up may be made for shares that are lent to Mangold in order for Mangold, for example, to be able to act as a liquidity guarantor. Furthermore, exceptions from lock-up may be made in accordance with the terms of (and as an acceptance of) a public takeover bid in accordance with the Act (2006: 451) on public takeover bids on the stock market. If there are special reasons, Mangold may grant further exemptions.