RIGA, Jan 17 (LETA) - Latvia's Tele2 mobile operator has become member of the Foreign Investors' Council in Latvia (FICIL), the company's representatives informed LETA.

Tele2 CEO Valdis Vancovics said that it is important to the company to operate in an orderly and predictable business environment ensuring fair rules for all market players.

"We joined FICIL to be closer to discussions about decisions important to entrepreneurs," Vancovics said.

FICIL board chairperson Gunta Jekabsone voiced satisfaction about Tele2, a representative of the telecommunications industry, joining the organization, stressing that the expertise and experience of Tele2 will be useful when developing strategic recommendations to the Latvian government on how to improve the business environment.

The Foreign Investors' Council in Latvia is a non-governmental organisation that brings together the largest companies from various countries and sectors that have made significant investments in Latvia, as well as thirteen foreign chambers of commerce, Stockholm School of Economics and French Foreign Trade Advisors.

© Pakistan Press International, source Asianet-Pakistan