May 31, 2013

Ghent, Belgium

Based on a survey performed by the Belgian HR consultancy agency Randstad, Taminco was chosen as most attractive employer in the Ghent region. For this survey a longlist of 40 companies was selected, each being judged by 1500 respondents.  They were asked to give scores in different domains such as life/work balance, job security, working atmosphere and remuneration.  The study showed that Taminco is perceived as the most attractive employer in the Ghent region. 42% of the respondents who know Taminco indicated they would like to work for our company.

Chief Operating Officer, Johan De Saegher comments: "We are very proud to win this award.  The timing is perfect as we are celebrating our 10th anniversary this year. First and foremost we would like to thank all our employees because it is due to their daily commitment that we are the company we are today."

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