Her global climate change movement isn't going anywhere.


"You haven't seen anything yet. You have not seen the last of us. We can assure you that."

Thunberg was demosntrating in the Swiss city of Lausanne on Friday.

A poll of leaders attending the Davos summit showed that, for the first time, climate change and environmental destruction top the risks perceived by the global elite at the Swiss ski resort.

This year's Davos takes place against the backdrop of some of Australia's worst ever bushfires--

which protesters highlighted by dressing as koalas, blaming industries with high carbon emissions for the crisis.


"We need to go to Davos with the print of the koalas and confront and make a confrontation to those industries that are causing the climate to change and to create the circumstance where koalas would have to leave their home because their house is on fire."

The 17-year-old Swedish activist also addressed the forum in 2019.