On May 31st, 2015 Svilocell EAD successfully completed its second project BG051PO001-2.2.03-0330 Ensuring transport from and to the workplace of Svilocell EAD's employees. The project was implemented with the financial support of European Social Fund (ESF) through Operational Programme Human Resources Development (OP HRD) under the scheme BG051РО001-2.2.03 - On the road.

The transport ensured was used by 463 people working in the company living in the town of Svishtov and the nearby villages. The transport was implemented depending on the work time of the company as the work in the mill is implemented continuous which requires the employees to work during days-off and holidays. The total amount of the approved costs for project implementation amounts to BGN 59 016,04. The grant by the Contracting Authority is in amount of 100% of the total approved costs.

Svilocell EAD is a company that constantly implements and develops its policy concerning the improvement of labour conditions, including transport of the personnel. The results estimated in the survey made after the project completion showed 100% approval. This fact motivates Svilocell EAD's management to forward its efforts to such kind of initiatives and measures that could improve the labour condition in the mill in the future as well.

"The current document is implemented with the financial support of European Social Fund. Svilocell EAD bears the whole responsibility for the content of the document herewith and in no way could be accepted as an official position of European Union or Employment Agency."
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