Handelsbanken Liv's total return for the whole of 2008 was -1.2

"Naturally we are not happy with this result, but compared to the
Stockholm stock exchange's fall of 42 percent, it can be regarded as
reasonable. By rapidly reducing the equity exposure in the portfolio
during the year, we have resisted the sharp decline," states Snorre
Storset, chief executive of Handelsbanken Liv.

The investments were broken down as follows, as at 31 December 2008:
Fixed income instruments: 77 percent
Equities: 10 percent
Property: 6 percent
Alternative investments: 7 percent

Other key figures and results for Handelsbanken Liv will be presented
in conjunction with
Handelsbanken's annual report, to be published on 10 February 2009.

For further information, please contact:
Snorre Storset, chief executive Handelsbanken Liv +46 8 701 69 10
Johan Lagerström, press officer, Handelsbanken    +46 8 701 1395,
mobile +46 70 265 80 14

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