Oslo, 15 January 2021. The Boards of Sikri AS and Augment AS have today prepared
and signed a common merger plan between the two companies. Augment AS is a
wholly owned subsidiary of Sikri AS, and will be merged into parent company
Sikri AS. The purpose of the merger is to simplify Group company structure.  

The merger is regulated by the Norwegian Companies Act, § 13-23; merger between
parent company and subsidiary without monetary compensation. Upon expiration of
formal notification periods towards creditors, the merger will be completed by
Sikri AS taking over all assets, receivables and liabilities in full from
subsidiary Augment AS.

The completion of this merger is contingent upon that all statutory requirements
for completion are met, hereunder valid Board decision and registration in
Foretaksregisteret. The Board of Sikri AS and of Augment AS will formally decide
on the merger on 15 February 2021, and the merger is expected to be completed by
30 April, 2021. 

Sikri AS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sikri Holding AS. 

This information is subject to Euronext Growth Oslo's disclosure requirements.

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