Bangkok, Jun 11 (EFE).- Singapore Airlines on Tuesday offered an advance payment of $25,000 as compensation to passengers who sustained serious injuries during a turbulence-hit flight from London to Singapore last month.

The plane, a Boeing 777 with 211 passengers and 18 crew members, was flying over southern Myanmar on May 21 when it hit extreme turbulence that caused an altitude drop of 54 meters in four seconds.

A 73-year-old British man died mid-flight after suffering a heart attack and another 100 people were injured.

The pilot made an emergency landing in Bangkok to treat those injured.

"Passengers medically assessed as having sustained serious injuries, requiring long-term medical care, and requesting financial assistance are offered an advance payment of US$25,000 to address their immediate needs," Singapore Airlines said in a statement on Facebook.

The airline also said it invited those seriously injured "to discuss a compensation offer to meet each of their specific circumstances when they feel well and ready to do so."

Meanwhile, passengers with minor injuries were offered $10,000 in compensation.

All passengers, including those unharmed by the incident, will receive a refund of the airfare, compensation for the delay on the route, and "$1,000 each to meet their immediate expenses upon departure from Bangkok," the airlines said.

Singapore Airlines is recognized as one of the best airlines in the world.

Its last major accident dates back to 2000, when one of its aircraft crashed after attempting to take off from the wrong runway in Taiwan during a typhoon, causing the deaths of 83 passengers. EFE

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