Dalhoff Larsen & Horneman A/S
Changes board/management/auditors

As at 1 March 2013 DLH has employed Mette Rubak Kaarsbo (40) as Executive Vice President responsible for Product Management. At the same time Mette Rubak Kaarsbo will join DLH's Group Management.

Mette is Cand. Merc. Int. (International Business) from Aarhus School of Business. In the past 8 years Mette has worked within Program Management in among other companies Norican Group, Disa Industries A/S and recently as manager for Program Management at Wheelabrator Group. Furthermore, she has been stationed abroad and has been working on Danida and Maersk projects.

By the employment of Mette Rubak Kaarsbo DLH is taking an important step to create a common product programme for the DLH Group.

         For further information about this announcement, please contact President/CEO Kent Arentoft on tel: +45 4350 0101.

02 New member of Group Management in DLH.pdf

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