SavorEat Ltd. reported that the Company's 'Robot-Chef' System (Type 1.1) designated for commercial operation in the US market, has successfully passed the required standardization tests and obtained the necessary regulatory approvals for the commencement of marketing and commercial exposure activity planned to take place in cooperation with the Sodexo Group for the American's universities segment (the "System", "Exposure Activity", and "Sodexo", respectively) already during this month (September). Simultaneously, the Company has prepared all main aspects for the Exposure Activity, which as stated is expected to begin already during this September at the universities in Denver, Colorado, USA (the "Sites" or the "Sites") Universities"), which is the beginning of the academic school year. The process for obtaining the approvals necessary to operate the System began towards the end of 2022 in Israel and Denver, and after a series of tests and inspections that the System went through, including safety tests, EMC tests, UL and NSF Field Evaluation, the Denver Department of Public Health & Environment, confirmed the completion of standard tests and the System's compliance with the regulatory requirements that were required to operate the System as part of the Exposure Activity on the Sites.

Obtaining the necessary approvals was one of the Company's main goals for 2023 and considered a significant milestone in penetrating the US market, one which paves the way for the expansion of its commercial activities throughout the US. The Company's Type 1.1 'Robot-Chef System is an advanced digital production system, which includes various improvements compared to the previous version as well as various updates designed to meet the demands of the US market in various aspects, including in regard to output capabilities, ease of operation, adjusted supply voltages (electricity) specific to the USA, regulatory and standardization requirements, and more. This System is intended for the Company's commercial exposure activities in the US market, as part of the collaboration with the Sodexo Group at universities in Denver, Colorado,USA, and it successfully passed the tests and inspections and received the necessary approvals.

Among the products expected to be available as part of the commercial Exposure Activity on the sites: a plant-based hamburger and a plant-based breakfast sausage patty (the "Food Products").