Leif Inge Nordhammer has agreed to become Salmar's new CEO with effect from 20 January 2014. Nordhammer previously served as SalMar's CEO for a period of 15 years until he stepped down in 2011. After a three-year break from operational management, Leif Inge Nordhammer has agreed to return to the top slot at SalMar.

During Nordhammer's previous tenure as CEO, from 1996 until 2011, SalMar developed from a regional fish-farming operation into a leading international enterprise. This period of growth was characterised by strong results, both operationally and financially. The company has continued to build on this foundation over the past three years.

In connection with his appointment, Nordhammer will resign his directorships in associated companies, such as Måsøval Eiendom and Aqualine. At the time he takes up his appointment, Leif Inge Nordhammer owns, directly or indirectly, 2,007,928 shares in SalMar ASA.