Safetek International Inc. announced the company's introduction of: BIO+GREEN CRYSTALS - NUTRACEUTICAL GRADE COMPOUNDS: Doctors realized that under normal conditions people do not need to be bombarded with toxic chemicals, especially at home and work! When one weighs the enormous benefit of Bio+Green Crystals with demand for environmental stewardship, safety and value; Bio+Green Crystals is simply the best choice for people, pets and the planet. Non Toxic Crystal Compounds and Additives: Bio+Green Crystals, are revolutionary new Crystal compounds in water-soluble pouches containing pre-measured amounts of chemicals.

When immersed in the water, pouch and powder dissolve formulating a precise cleaning solution for specific cleaning purposes. Bio+Green Crystals are proud to be ZERO-WASTE products. Add to customer existing cleaner as an additive or booster or when customer existing cleaner runs out.

Add water -- begin to clean. When all sachets are used dispose of outer packaging in customer compost or recycle bin Nothing to contribute to the local landfill. By buying a Bio+Green Crystal product, customers have just reduced its carbon footprint.

Bio+Green Crystals products are not only eco-friendly in their operation but also protect the environment through reduced warehousing, transport, breakage and usage of shelf space. The products have the ability to reduce the carbon footprint through all channels of value stream, making them the most favored option for its customers. National Bio+Green Sciences manufacturers statement: These products are made using a proprietary process similar to the nutraceutical or pharmaceutical industries.

The Bio+Green Crystals Compounds can be made up of bio based, plant and mineral derived surfactants. The purification or crystallization process as it calls it allows the company to separate any unwanted chemical strands including volatile organic compounds. Unlike conventional cleaners, Bio+Green Crystals do not require MSDS (manufacturer safety data sheets) but are made available to retailers and online.

They are all natural, non toxic and zero waste. As with all cleaning products: Keep out of reach of children as the package may present a choking hazard. Coloration: The process is long and tenuous and sometimes the company has to re-crystallize thereby creating a variation of colors, its natural green spearmint can take on an appearance of yellow lime.

The company's natural lavender when mixed with lycopene can take on a pinkish, purple hue or reddish tint. These varying colors have no effect on the products performance and will vary batch to batch, season to season. The company strives to use all natural food and or medicinal grade additives.

Performance: The products are made to perform well with water from all types including city tap, well and bottled. Some products include water softening agents to help remove water spots especially from porcelain and bathroom fixtures. People should check with their municipalities for water contents and should try to avoid excessive chlorine content.

Although this will boost its cleaners it does not recommend it and the product will clean just fine without it. Solubility: Bio+Green Crystals are completely water soluble. The time to complete dispersion or solubility required is usually one to two minutes but can vary due to the type of water and temperature.

The company uses a pharmaceutical grade water soluble film which biodegrades when properly used, making the product zero waste. Bottle: Reuse-Reduce-Recycle: The company has recommend people reuse existing bottles after properly rinsing and labeling. Avoid using bottles which contained bleach or pesticides.

Should require a new bottle, they are usually available at most retailers including CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, Home Depot etc.