GÜTERSLOH (dpa-AFX) - Carsten Coesfeld, the grandson of company patriarch Reinhard Mohn, who died in 2009, is to join the Bertelsmann Executive Board. The Supervisory Board appointed the 36-year-old to the Group Executive Board on Thursday with effect from January 1, 2024, as announced by the media, services and education company in Gütersloh. Coesfeld has headed the company's investment division since June 2022, from which Bertelsmann expects international growth. On the Executive Board, Coesfeld will be responsible for the new Investments and Financial Solutions division.

The Bertelsmann Executive Board previously consisted of three members and will now be expanded to include Coesfeld. The Chairman of the Executive Board is Thomas Rabe, whose current third term of office runs until 2026. Rabe is also head of RTL Group and RTL Deutschland. The Bertelsmann Executive Board also includes Rolf Hellermann (Finance) and Immanuel Hermreck (Human Resources). The Group includes RTL Group, the publishing group Penguin Random House and the services division Arvato./rin/DP/jha