Public Joint Stock Company Rosneft Oil Company (MISX:ROSN) representatives will travel to Berlin on December 22, 2023 to discuss a possible sale of the Russian oil giant's German assets, among other options, with government officials, a source familiar with the matter told Reuters. The meeting is the first of its kind since Berlin placed local units of Rosneft, which owns 54.17% of the PCK Schwedt refinery (PCK Raffinerie GmbH), under trusteeship, keeping Rosneft as the legal owner of the stake but stripping it of its ability to exert control. It also comes a week after Shell plc (LSE:SHEL) announced the sale of its 37.5% stake in the refinery, which supplies most of Berlin's fuel, to Britain's The Prax Group, and after Rosneft filed a case at Germany's Federal Constitutional Court against the trusteeship.

The sale of Rosneft's stake is one option that will be discussed in the meeting with Philipp Steinberg, the head of the economic stabilisation and energy security unit in the ministry, the source said. "It will be an exchange of positions of possibilities and there will certainly be no concrete decision on a solution on Friday," the source added. A spokesperson for the economy ministry declined to comment.

Rosneft did not immediately respond to a request for comment.