Red Emperor Resources NL provide a further operational update with respect to preparations for the drilling of the Winx-1 exploration well, located on the Western Blocks, North Slope of Alaska. RMP announce that construction of the requisite ice road to the Winx-1 well location and the ice pad for the drilling of Winx-1 is nearing completion. Furthermore, with installation of the conductor having commenced and rig mobilisation imminent, Winx-1 is now scheduled to spud in mid-February 2019. Drilling and testing of Winx-1, in a success case scenario, is scheduled to take approximately 50 days. The Winx prospect is a 3D seismic defined conventional oil prospect in the successful Nanushuk play fairway with a gross mean unrisked prospective resource of 400 million barrels, and is adjacent to the Horseshoe 1/1A discovery well drilled by the Armstrong/Repsol JV in 2017.