The board of directors of Raymond Industrial Limited announced that Dr. Wong, Philip Kin Hang (Dr. Wong), the non-executive Director, has retired by rotation at the annual general meeting of the company held on 26 May 2014 and has not offered himself for re-election as he would like to devote more time for his personal affairs. Accordingly, Dr. Wong ceased to be the non-executive Director with effect from the conclusion of the AGM on 26 May 2014. Mr. Wong, David Ying Kit (Mr. Wong), being the alternate Director of Dr. Wong, also ceased to be the alternate Director with effect from 26 May 2014.

In order to fill the casual vacancy following the retirement of Dr. Wong, the Board announced that Mr. Wong was appointed as the non-executive Director with effect from 26 May 2014. Mr. Wong, David Ying Kit, aged 50, had been the alternate Director of Dr. Wong since 4 July 2008.