Raute Corporation's Board of Directors has appointed M.Sc. (Econ.) Olli-Pekka Vanhanen (53) Group Vice President, CFO of Raute Group. He will also become a member of Raute Group's Executive Board, reporting to President and CEO Tapani Kiiski.

Mr. Vanhanen will assume the position by May 1, 2018 at the latest. He will join Raute from the position of CFO in Maillefer Oy. Raute Corporation's Board of Directors has appointed M.Sc.

(Econ.), MBA Arja Hakala (60) Group Vice President, Strategy of Raute Group. She will transfer to this position from the role as Raute's Chief Financial Officer at the same time as Olli-Pekka Vanhanen will take over his role as Chief Financial Officer, by May 1, 2018 at the latest. Ms. Hakala will continue as a member of Raute Group's Executive Board, reporting to President and CEO Tapani Kiiski.

She will also continue as Deputy to President and CEO and Secretary of the Board of Directors. Arja Hakala has been Raute Group's Chief Financial Officer for 14 years. Prior to that she has held other management positions in Raute Group since 1990.

The position of Group Vice President, Strategy is new in Raute. The responsibility area of the Group Vice President, Strategy includes coordination of strategic development projects, responsibility management and its development, and also internal audit tasks assigned by the Board of Directors.