Ocean Grown Abalone Ltd. announced that it has jointly secured with Yumbah Aquaculture Limited (Yumbah) a two-year option to purchase a 107ha portion of land at Lot 4 Wylie Bay Road, Esperance, Western Australia. This parcel of land will form part of the potential future joint venture with Yumbah to develop a large onshore abalone hatchery and grow out facility in Esperance, Western Australia (Esperance Project). The 107ha portion of Lot 4 Wylie Bay Road is immediately adjoining the existing parcel of land (170 Wylie Bay Road, Esperance) leased from the Shire of Esperance, which also carries an option to purchase until July 2022. The two land parcels offer the development parties a combined area of 143ha for the siting of the proposed 600T per annum abalone aquaculture development that is currently the subject of a Bankable Feasibility Study.