Radiopharm Theranostics announced the appointment of Dr. Ken Herrmann to the company's Scientific Advisory Board (SAB). Dr. Herrmann is a certified Nuclear Medicine physician who also holds an executive MBA from the University of Zürich and currently serves as Chair of the Department of Nuclear Medicine at Universitätsmedizin Essen, Germany. Dr. Herrmann has 18+ years of exposure to radioligand therapy and has a wealth of experience in early clinical translation of novel radioligand therapy concepts.

His previous experience in translating theranostics ranges from first in human use to contributing to pivotal regulatory approval receiving phase 3 studies. During his previous stints at UCLA and Universitätsklinikum Würzburg he has successfully contributed to building large theranostics programs. Dr. Herrmann joins Dr. Susann Brady-Kalnay, Dr. Sara Hurvitz, Professor Eric Aboagye, Dr. Johannes Notni, Dr. Hong Hoi Ting and Dr. David Ulmert on the SAB, chaired by Radiopharm's Chief Medical Officer Professor David Mozley.