Quantum Computing Inc. announced that the Company has released its first “Quantum Ready” software application – The Quantum Asset Allocator. The target market (estimated at over $1 billion) for QAA is financial institutions who are currently addressing asset allocation problems but are looking for better tools with which to optimize portfolio performance. QAA is available both as a cloud based software service and as an on premises software + hardware system. Both implementations are designed to quickly return optimal or near-optimal interactive solutions and analyses of financial asset allocation problems. QAA leverages a financial institution’s strategy for calculating risk and expected return, based on analytical values for the various index sectors and subsectors in its investable universe. QAA has been proven to enhance fund strategy by calculating the optimal portfolio mix to maximize returns in beta tests against portfolios using traditional portfolio management techniques. QAA which will provide small and medium sized funds the ability to do asset allocation that previously was the province of large brokerage firms, mutual fund and the quant funds. Beta tests have demonstrated superior portfolio performance using quantum inspired techniques on both classical and existing quantum computing hardware, QCI is already working with beta clients to implement QAA in their environment.