Kali-Extracts, Inc. (Kali, Inc. dba/Kali-Extracts, Inc.) and Puration, Inc, announced a new 25 mg CBD Extract formulation for beverage infusion. KALY owns and manages a patented cannabis extraction process. PURA has licensed the KALY patent for beverage infusion.

PURA currently produces EVERx CBD Sports Water infused with 10 mg of CBD. Together KALY and PURA are designing a new private labeled CBD infused beverage for Generex Biotechnology, Inc. In response to feedback from PURA's EVERx distributors, KALY and PURA are now working together to refine a new 25 mg CBD extract formulation. Puration launched the EVERx CBD Sports Waters in the spring of 2017.

The company's sales grew 600% in the first year after the launch of EVERx. Kiwi Strawberry and Lemon Lime flavors are now available in addition to the Original EVERx CBD Infused Sports Water. EVERx has more than twice the CBD of most CBD infused waters on the market.

A proprietary technology enables EVERx to suspend more CBD than its competitors and still have a crystal-clear appearance and a refreshing taste.