Certain Ordinary Shares of PT Pelita Teknologi Global Tbk are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 7-OCT-2023. These Ordinary Shares will be under lockup for 243 days starting from 6-FEB-2023 to 7-OCT-2023.

Based on Article 2 POJK 25 of 2017 concerning Restrictions on Issued Shares Prior to the Public Offering, each party who obtains equity securities from the issuer at a price and/or conversion value and/or exercise price is below the initial public offering price shares within a period of 6 (six) months prior to the submission of the registration statement to the Financial Services Authority, it is prohibited to transfer part or all of the ownership of the issuer's equity securities until 8 (eight) months after the registration statement becomes effective. POJK No. 25 of 2017 contains an exception that this prohibition does not apply to the ownership of equity securities, either directly or indirectly by the central government, regional governments, or institutions which, based on statutory provisions, have the authority to conduct banking restructuring.