PSIcontrol 4.3 with extended functionality and improved user interface

Berlin, 13 January 2015 - PSI AG obtained by the end of 2014 a number of orders in the energy sector for the renewal of network control systems. Extensive upgrade orders for the modernisation of the existing PSI systems were received from ELE Verteilnetz GmbH (EVNG), LEW Verteilnetz GmbH (LVN), Regensburger Energie- und Wasserversorgung (REWAG) as well as recently from another large municipal utility, where the new PSIcontrol Version 4.3 with partially extended functionality and improved user interface will be implemented. Besides, the Stadtwerke Krefeld (SWK) was upgraded within a maintenance contract.

Along with the network control technology for electricity and gas, the EVNG in Gelsenkirchen is renewing the integrated workforce management for disruptions and maintenance on the basis of PSIcontrol Version 4.3. For the Augsburg, LVN the focus is on the management of renewable energies with the further development and feeding management integrated in the standard.

The REWAG system is already being implemented as an integrated system for electricity, gas and water in the third PSIcontrol generation, as well as the SWK control system. The Saarländische Kooperation also depends on PSIcontrol 4.3 with their new integrated system for a total of four network operators.

The requirements for security technology formulated by the Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V. (BDEW - German Association for Energy and Water Industries) have been implemented in all these projects. With these contracts, PSI has been able to once again solidify their good order situation in the market of distribution networks and municipal utilities and to expand and therefore successfully confirm the product investment in network control technology.

On the basis of its own software products, PSI AG develops and integrates complete solutions for energy management (gas, oil, electricity, heat, energy trading), production management (mining, metals, automotive, mechanical engineering, logistics) and infrastructure management for transport and safety. PSI was founded in 1969 and employs 1,700 persons worldwide.

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