Photos are available on Business Wire's Website and AP PhotoExpress: The spotlight was on hockey moms from across the country as Bounty paper towels joined forces with Olympic Women's Ice Hockey player, Julie Chu and her mother, Miriam, to host an intimate dinner celebrating the moms that embrace the mess while raising an aspiring athlete. Looking toward the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games, and no strangers to a messy home, Julie and Miriam sat down with the hockey moms to talk about conquering early morning practices, keeping little athletes inspired and how to tackle every spill and mess that happens off the ice.

Team USA Women's Ice Hockey forward Julie Chu and Team USA Moms Miriam Chu, Maura Bellamy, Mary Dugg ...

Team USA Women's Ice Hockey forward Julie Chu and Team USA Moms Miriam Chu, Maura Bellamy, Mary Duggan, Ahlise Coyne, Marilyn Decker and moderator Vera Sweeney are seen during the Bounty "Bring It" mom dinner on January 7, 2014, in New York City. (Brian Ach / AP Images for Bounty)

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Brian Witte, 646-500-7726