PepinNini Minerals Limited announced two Board changes, being the resignation of Mr. Robert (Wei) Sun as a Director and the appointment of Mr. David Turvey as a Director. As shareholders would be aware, the proposed appointment of Mr. Turvey was announced to the ASX on 15 June 2021. As set out in that announcement, Mr. Turvey's credentials for joining the Board are impeccable, not only encompassing 35 years' experience in both the Australian and Asian mining industries in exploration, business development, mergers and acquisitions, and capital raising, as well as a Director of a number of ASX-listed companies, but also insofar as he has significant experience in PepinNini's two specialty mineral group interests, lithium and kaolin. Although the 15 June 2021 announcement stated that the intention was for Mr. Turvey to join the Board following completion of the General Meeting of shareholders on 9 July 2021, in light of Mr. Sun's resignation, PepinNini thought it prudent to bring forward the appointment in the interests of maintaining the Board's skills matrix, particularly in respect of the resources industry. It is noted that Mr. James Moses, who was appointed to the Board recently following a request from shareholder, Mr. Peter Proksa1, brings to the Board experience in investor relations rather than in technical aspects of the business. Moreover, no information has been provided to the Company regarding the skills and experience of Mr. Proksa's two Board nominees the subject of the general meeting - Mr. Stephen Michael Ross and Mr. Mena Habib, despite a request by PepinNini's Ms. Rebecca Holland-Kennedy on 30 June 2021 to meet with Mr. Proksa to discuss the skills and experience of his Board nominees, amongst other matters considered to be in the interests of the company and all its shareholders, which was rejected. Following Mr. Turvey's appointment, Ms. Rebecca Holland-Kennedy stepped down as Chairman of the Board, though retains the role as Managing Director. The Board has subsequently appointed Mr. Turvey as Chairman.