Pizza Pizza Royalty Corp. Announces A 2.6% Dividend Increase Thursday, January 16th, 2014

Toronto, Ontario, January 16, 2014 - Pizza Pizza Royalty Corp. (TSX:PZA) today announced a 2.6% increase in its monthly dividend which will be effective beginning with the January 2014 dividend.

On an annualized basis, the dividend will increase from $0.78 to $0.8004 per share.

For the period January 1 to January 31, the dividend per share will increase to $0.0667 from $0.065 and will be payable February 14, 2014 to shareholders of record at the close of business on January 31, 2014.

For tax purposes, the 2014 dividend will be considered a taxable eligible dividend.

For further information:

Curt Feltner, Chief Financial Officer

(416) 967-1010 x307

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