Pioneer Power Solutions, Inc. announced that it has received orders from multiple entities for its E-Bloc products valued at $7.2 million in the aggregate. The E-Bloc product line integrates circuit protection, controls, automatic transfer schemes and power management in a compact, outdoor and unitized system. Launched in 2021, Pioneer currently has more than 1,500 E-Bloc site deployments across a wide spectrum of market verticals, including distributed generation, EV charging and solar micro grids.

Notable selections from June's purchase orders include: A $725,000 order from one of the largest solar power generation developers in the United States to be deployed at JFK International airport in New York City. A $1.9 million order from one of the distributed generation developers in the United States. The medium voltage E-Bloc system will protect and control all primary power sources for a U.S. military installation in the southeast of the United States.

This order is the first for Pioneer with this customer and is expected to be delivered in early 2025. A $1.2 million order for an electric truck charging depot in Southern California. This E-Bloc system will incorporate an Automatic Transfer Switch capability and medium voltage transformers into the compact E-Bloc design.

The unitized composition of E-Bloc allows the customer to save space in addition to initial and installation costs. This system is expected to be delivered in the first quarter of 2025.